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Better Home Page

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  • Securest than Google, it does not collect information from your activities. Less fake information than Google. Very soon bing is going to be worlds best home page due to nokia. In 2011 gmail was number one, yahoo mail was number two, and hotmail/outlook was number three position.
  • Google is the most popular website and search engine on the Internet. However, all modern browsers have an omnibox or search box built into them. So, instead of using a search engine as your homepage, consider one of the alternatives mentioned below and use your browser's search utility instead.

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The Better Business Bureau or BBB 'helps people find and recommend businesses, brands and charities they can trust.' They are one of the oldest and most respected resources when you need to research where you spend your money. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) allows you to look up reviews, find resolved and unresolved claims against a company and, most importantly, get general ratings about a company. Checking a business with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) is easy.

From the Better Business Bureau's homepage, you have a few options to find the business you are looking for.

The BBB is organized by location. If you don't know exactly what you are looking for, you can search for your local BBB branch. This is especially useful if you know the service you need, but don't have a specific company in mind. For example, you might need auto repair and want to find the best rated shop in town.

To find local BBB accredited businesses, follow these steps:

  1. Open up a browser and go to the Better Business Bureau website.
  2. Select the FIND YOUR BBB tab.
  3. Type in your city and state or zip code.
  4. Select the Search button.You will be redirected to the appropriate page where you can use the search tool to search for categories or specific local businesses.
    • To search a specific business name, choose the Name option above the search bar.For example, you could search for 'Bob's Auto Repair.' You will see a list of options. Once you choose the business, you can see the BBB rating and any reviews or cases related to your search.
    • To search a category, select the Category option and fill in the type of service you are seeking.For example, you could type 'auto repair.' You will be provided with a list of accredited options that fit your search category. From here, you can view the Better Business Bureau Profile to see a rating or request a quote.

If you are attempting to find information on a specific business, you can search directly from the Better Business Bureau homepage.

  1. Select the FIND A BUSINESS tab from the Better Business Bureau Home page.
  2. Type in the name of the business and the approximate city and state.

    You can also enter the business's website address.

  3. Tap the Search button.
  4. Click the business from the list of displayed options.Now that you have found your business and selected it, you can read the BBB's report.

Most major companies have ratings with the Better Business Bureau. The ratings are based on how the company responds to consumer reports. The report also includes general information about the business such as location, contact info, and how long they have been in business.

The Better Business Bureau is a good resource if you want to leave reviews or lodge complaints regarding service you have received. Macos sierra disk space.

It's the Grand Poobah of all pages – the most carefully planned, written and designed place on your site. It may be the first face a lead sees – or the last one. But for all the work you put in, your home page has just seconds to get your message across.

These tips are short enough to chomp into over lunch, but actionable enough to make a difference. If you're really in a reading mood, find 113 design guidelines here.

keep in mind: Your home page is where all customer personas converge.

Messaging must apply to all of them. Focus in on what's common: your value proposition. Do not be abstract. Do not try to be clever. Confirm that the site is what they came for, then wow them with the benefits of your offering.

Above: Basecamp leaves no question as to what they do or who it's for, adding a nice dose of social proof.

Layout & structure

1 Prioritize Placement

For left-right reading languages, 69% of a user's time is spent looking at the left half of the page. We also tend to read in an F-Shaped pattern. Place critical elements and messaging in these high-attention areas.

2 beware of SLiders

Sliders are typically bad for conversions and users, robbing them of control, cycling too quickly and looking too much like banners/ads. If you do use them, make them fast-loading, manual-cycling and relevant to your complete market.

3. White Space: use it

White space increases reading comprehension, places prominence on other elements and increases trust. Chaperro, Shaikh and Baker also found that white space improves user satisfaction and experience.

4. Scrolling Happens

Users DO scroll – and 'the fold' varies greatly between devices/screen sizes. While critical elements should still be placed where they are sure to be seen, there is no need to shy away from long-form content.

5. Less is more

Too many choices lead to inaction and abandonment. Reduce navigation items, limit calls-to-action (preferably just one) and remove unimportant customer pathways.


Is There A Better Home Page Than Yahoo

1. Home Page ≠ aBOUT uS

Your home page is not the place to talk about yourself. It's where you show customers what you can do for them (value prop, remember?). Check how often you're using 'we'; present a solution, not a biography.

2. No Wallpaper, Please

'Award winning', 'Clinically proven', 'We are the best X', 'High Quality', 'We get to know your business.' Statements like these are so ubiquitous that they've lost all meaning. Don't lean on clichés for self-affirmation. This piece can help you get past wallpaper copy. And please, never waste space welcoming people to your website – this isn't 1999.

3. Don't Get Cute With Critical Elements

Navigation elements and orientating way points like links are not a place to break convention. Don't obscure important pathways with 'clever' or ambiguous language. (E.g. Don't call your 'Contact Us' page 'Ring Ring!' in the nav. It breaks expectations – and not in a good way)

4. Headlines Get More Attention Than Images

The case for compelling headlines continues to grow. Not only do they communicate your value prop, they also eat up more eyeballs. Make them central to your design, and don't waste that space with fluff content.

How To Change Homepage On Windows 10

Example: puts their headline front and centre, then supports with images. Five nights at freddys freddy. They also sum up their value prop to the customer at a glance.

5. Size matters (Zing!)

Visitors prefer shorter width text, but read long-length structures faster. This ties into layout/design: use initially short paragraph layouts to draw in a reader before layin' on the long stuff.

6. Test Without Images
I need a better home page

If you want to be sure your copy is strong, view it in a text-only format. Does it convey emotion? Is your value proposition clear? Would it still be worth reading without all the visual stimuli? If not, revisions are due.


If you want to be sure your copy is strong, view it in a text-only format. Does it convey emotion? Is your value proposition clear? Would it still be worth reading without all the visual stimuli? If not, revisions are due.

Visuals & Design

1. Customers are shallow. Invest in good fantastic design.

Multiple Standford studies show customers judge companies by their design – just like attractive people are treated differently. If your site looks dated or ugly, aesthetics may be robbing you of business.

2. Mind the 'Van Restorff' Effect.

Return My Old Home Page

What stands out is what gets remembered. Value props and critical elements should stand out. You can use…

  • Size (Fitt's Law applied)
  • Contrast (Color attracts the eye; contrast differentiates)
  • Leading gazes (When viewing images of people, we follow where their gaze is pointed)
  • Directional cues (Arrows, etc.)
3. Ads – and things that look like ads – get tuned out.

Nielsen found that content that shares too much in common with advertising will be ignored. Be careful of clever formatting, especially in side bars.

4. images and graphics are not 'decorations'

The visuals on your site should serve a purpose; not just 'zazz up' the page. Visitors ignore decorative images. The images you choose must be:

  • Immediately relevant. Images used must build either story or context. 'Story-building' images intrigue the viewer and drive them to the copy to learn what is going on. Context-building images show a product or service in action or demonstrate an outcome.

A fast example: Here is a Nixon watch. It looks okay.

Here is someone wearing the same watch. It looks much better. Both images show the same detail – but only one shows how you look wearing it.

  • Emotionally consistent. We mirror the emotions of the faces we see. We are emotionally impacted by images , even if we only see them for microseconds. Align images with the feelings you want your customers to experience.
5. Death to Stock Images – Especially of People

People ignore stock images. Stock images that show people who don't work for you (like that customer service rep in the headset) tell the world 'We are not real people. We will not show our faces. We are not to be trusted.'

Social Proof & Trust Factors

Similar to my post on addressing fear to improve product pages, building trust starts by removing fear.

1. Show your 'NAP'

Instantly answer the question of 'Is this a real business?' by sharing your address and phone number in one consolidated area. Even if they don't ever contact you, customers appreciate the safety net. It's proven.

2. Show your Face (and those of your admirers)

Studies show images can increase trust and empathy – but they also show that you're a real person. Use headshots next to testimonials to boost credibility and trust in the fact that they came from real people. (h/t to Gregory Ciotti)

3. Show your Proof

Testimonials, reviews, credible partners. All 3 add credibility to your claims and act as 'external proof' of your claims.

4. Be cautious with trust symbols

Trust symbols like Norton/BBB only add credibility if people recognize them. Otherwise, they can have the reverse effect (i.e. 8 different 'secured by' icons). Use sparingly.

We're done!

That list is far from exhaustive, but hopefully there were a few new nuggets in there that you can put to use!

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